Drawing of the Day – 0177 – Dessin du jour

“Among the water lilies – Au milieu des nénuphards”

Ink on Paper 7.5×11″ (18x28cm) Encre sur Papier
Drawing of the Day  available for CDN $ 99
Dessin du jour  disponibles au prix de 99 $ CAD

3 thoughts on “Drawing of the Day – 0177 – Dessin du jour

  1. GuS

    Is it the mamma duck with her six chicks, or does this one also have a deeper meaning? I ‘m sure it does, but my ‘problem’ is that I don’t take time to ponder. :-)

  2. GuS

    Oh, I forgot to say that I really enjoyed the drawing and your imagination, ulterior motif of not. :-)

  3. Diane Goulet

    Wow! Le symbole de l’Épanouissement.
    Le lotus, résultat du premier oeuf du monde.
    Le yin et le yang.
    La naissance et la re-naissance après la mort.

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